
At the heart of CCWS's activities are the international conferences, symposiums, and workshops that it sponsors with its various partner institutions and UCSB departments. These events bring together faculty and graduate students from across the United States and abroad to pioneer new directions in Cold War history and diplomatic/foreign relations history.

The UCSB-GWU-LSE International Graduate Student Conferences on the Cold War

A UCSB tradition since 1996 and sponsored in cooperation with the George Washington (University) Cold War Group (GWCW), and the LSE Cold War Studies Centre (CWSC). These graduate student conferences showcase exciting new scholarship on the Cold War era by an international contingent of graduate student presenters. UCSB and GWU first jointly sponsored this conference in 2003 (previously, both institutions had organized separate annual conferences) and the LSE joined as a co-sponsor in 2005.

Since 2006 we have awarded a best paper prize, sponsored by the journal Cold War History. Please visit the prize announcement site for further details.


Reinterpreting the Cold War in Asia Conference Series

A three-part series covering the entire Cold War period in East Asia, bringing distinguished faculty together to reconceptualize how we view the history of the Cold War  in Asia.

  • "Reinterpreting the Cold War in Asia, 1971-present"- (Spring 2007)
  • "Asia and the Cold War, 1956-1971"- (22-23 March 2006)
  • "Reinterpreting the Cold War in Asia, 1945-1956"- (30-31 March 2005)