About Us

The Center for Cold War Studies and International History at UC Santa Barbara (CCWS) is a leading international center dedicated to the study of the Cold War, broadly conceived, and related international topics. Founded in 1994 by Professors Tsuyoshi Hasegawa and Fredrik Logevall and their graduate students, CCWS hosts a wide variety of events on the UCSB campus. It also has an affiliation with the Cold War centers at George Washington University and the London School of Economics, joining with them to host the International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War.

this is an image of the UCSB campus at night. It shows the student center reflecting on the lagoon







In Memoriam: Paul Baltimore, 1971-2021

Photo of Paul Baltimore







Personnel (for a complete list of Center staff and members, please visit our Members page.)

This is a photo of Salim Yaqub, the director of CCWS




News Media: Please contact the UCSB Office of Public Affairs at 805.893.2191 and the CCWS Administrative Assistant.

Prospective Donors: Please contact the UCSB Development Office if you are interested in financially supporting the Center and its activities.